
Substance Painter Live Link ( Marmoset, Cinema 4D, 3DS Max, Maya, Modo, Blender, Houdini)

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Substance Painter Live Link ( Marmoset, Cinema 4D, 3DS Max, Maya, Modo, Blender, Houdini)

634 ratings

This is the full version of the Live Link connection between Substance Painter and multiple DCC's 

It works with Marmoset Toolbag, Cinema 4D, 3DS Max, Maya, Blender, Modo and Houdini so far, but i'll keep adding other platforms

It is compatible with Mac(Intel) and Windows (Linux coming soon...)

If you are thinking about getting this plugin illegally way please consider this first: 

1) I'm a single developer so piracy really impacts me directly and that hurts the possibility to afford buying the software licenses I need to keep the plugin updated, also it reduces my ability to add new features.

2)Please read the "You really cannot afford it?" section in this webpage. Why bother getting the software illegally if there are ways to get it legally. I'm trying help everyone I can to get the plugin.

Install & Use

You can find the instructions in the zip or in my youtube channel


This plugin requires internet connection to verify the license, you can find your license in the gumroad product page.

You already supported the project or bought me a coffee?

If you supported the project before the full release (before march 20, 2018) even with $1 USD just send me a message via twitter/patreon/youtube or email and i'll give you a 100% discount, thanks for believing in me and supporting me

Are you a patron?

Wait don't buy it just yet!!! first check my Patreon page and ask for the discount code!

You really cannot afford it?

I still trust honest people that are in a rough situation, and I'm happy to help them, so you can contact me via discord, and we can talk about it, all I ask in return is that you show some kindness towards a stranger if you have the chance, remember the most important thing is to help each other!!!

Are you a studio or need an custom shader?

Feel free to support more if you are installing in multiple machines, up to you how much you want to, also if you need a specific Shader configuration, instead of the default ones, let me know and we'll see what can be done

Check the youtube channel playlist for tutorials on how to install & use the plugin

This plugin was built with:

  • SP 2017+ (pbr-metal-rough)
  • Blender 2.79+ (Cycles,Eevee)
  • Maya 2017+(Redshift, Arnold, Vray, Renderman,Octane)
  • Houdini 16.5+ (Redshift,Arnold,Renderman,Mantra,Octane, Vray)
  • 3DS Max 2017+ (Redshift,Arnold,Corona,Vray,Octane)
  • Modo (Standard mat,Unity mat, Unreal mat,Vray)
  • Cinema 4D R17+(Arnold, Redshift,Octane 3.08+, Corona, Vray)
  • Marmoset Toolbag 3.04+


  • All file formats from SP
  • Packed or non Packed textures in shaders
  • Integration with 6 3D Programs: Blender,Maya, Houdini, Cinema 4D, 3DS Max and Modo
  • Integration with 9 renderers: Cycles, Evee, Arnold, Redshift, Corona, Renderman, Modo, VRay, Octane
  • Support of Opacity and Emissive maps + PBR Metal Roughness maps


  • Linux compatibility
  • +more 

Known limitations:

  • 3DS Max only works with the Slate Material editor
  • You need to have an Arnold version that supports the surface shader
  • 3DS Max corona doesn't support UDIMS
  • 3DS Max Arnold won't update automatically the shader textures if you are using UDIMs (Arnold in 3ds max known limitation)
  • You need to use the Octane version 3.08 stable or higher, since the implementation changed a lot

Thanks for the support! this will help me to develop this plugin and a lot more cool stuff!!!

Don't forget to check and subscribe to my youtube channel to see some cool videos, tips and tricks:


You can also support me via patreon: Xolotl Studio

Or contact me if you have any doubts or comments




All plugin related help & support is done via the discord server so don't forget to join

IMPORTANT: There are no refunds in digital downloads so if you have any doubts ask first please!

I want this!

Link your textures and materials into your preferred 3D Application

Connect with
Substance Painter 2017+
Blender 2.79+
Cycles and Evee
Maya 2017+
Redshift, Arnold, Vray, Renderman & Octane
Houdini 16.5+
Redshift,Arnold,Renderman,Mantra & Octane
3DSMax 2017+
Redshift,Arnold,Corona,Vray & Octane
Standard mat,Unity mat, Unreal Mat & Vray
Cinema 4D R17+
Arnold, Redshift & Octane
Link with
Marmoset Toolbag 3.04+
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